MyMiniFactory: JAM Stack

JAM Stack

(and bits of Gatsby)

MyMiniFactory: JAM Stack

What is the JAM Stack?


Name introduced by Netlify (CDN provider)

  • No backend just static HTML/CSS/JS
  • Generated Frontend
  • Markdown or API for dynamic content
MyMiniFactory: JAM Stack

History and problematic

Netlify's CEO was maintaining broken Wordpress

  • Having to maintain a server (resources, updates, CEVs)
  • HTML/CSS in Database problems (Not pure Sementics, Transferability of contents)
  • Databases are just slow
MyMiniFactory: JAM Stack

Why now?

How is this new?

MyMiniFactory: JAM Stack

1. Static site generators

  • Hugo: The fast Go
  • Gatsby: The full-fledge React
  • Zola: The frenchy Rust
MyMiniFactory: JAM Stack

2. CDN and edge performance

  • Cloudflare: 10ms everywhere
  • Scalability
  • DevOps left to CDN companies
MyMiniFactory: JAM Stack


  • Using different source of content to build the static site with GraphQL: Markdown, Databases, APIs
  • Powerfull pre-fetching / lazyloading
MyMiniFactory: JAM Stack

Example: Workflow

  • Content editable by non-devs. (Markdown, CMS)
  • Pushed Markdown files to GitHub
  • Automatically builds the font
MyMiniFactory: JAM Stack


Scan The World

  • Netflify CMS
  • MyMiniFactory API
  • GraphQL local DB
MyMiniFactory: JAM Stack


  • Authentication (On first load/Stateless) (Edge computing?) doesn't solve required DB
  • React and SSR: downloading the content twice
    (SSR, not specific to JAM)
  • Dynamic content with many pages
    (How big?)
  • Content in git Repo problems: assets, images etc.
MyMiniFactory: JAM Stack


But it gets a bit more interesing

DB are also not scalable

pure HTML sites with FTP is not new

Demo: The Netlify CMS commits to Git

Gatsby a bit slow, Hugo fast